How Kraft packaging is different from other custom box materials?

A number of companies are using Kraft boxes these days due to its wonderful benefits and ability to be recycled. Especially in the food and beverage industry, the use of Kraft packaging is a must because it shows the organic touch of food and customers trust that. Likewise, the herbal products manufacturers make use of Kraft boxes to reflect about the organic nature of their item. Whether it is fish oil, eatables for health care or any herbal soap, it is packed in Kraft box to gain the trust of customer. On the other hand custom boxes are also made from different materials that are discussed below

Cardboard material

Cardboard is considered as the basic and fundamental material for making boxes. This is because the paper thickness in cardboard is optimal and it is not too soft and neither hard. It is bendable and perfect to be customized into various styles, shapes and sizes. Industries including cosmetics, apparel, electronics, sports and food are using cardboard packaging for their products. Also, the cardboard boxes are best for showing best printing colors as compared to any other packaging material. Cardboard printed boxes are in huge demand in the United States and companies are adopting cardboard packaging instead of plastic and other type.

Corrugated material

When it comes to shipping, corrugated material comes first because it is made with combination of multiple cardboard sheets. The cardboard sheets are joined together with the help of flutes that have different categories including E grade, C grade and G grade. These grades are responsible for the strength of the box and are categorized into different flutes strengths. Almost all the shipping boxes are made with corrugated material and are usually larger in size as compared to the cardboard and Kraft boxes. If you are running a business for moving products, then you must use printed corrugated boxes as it will promote your brand and will be very useful in your business. You will be able to transport larger amount of volume in these boxes and that too without the risk of any damage.

Rigid material

Rigid material is used for making elegant boxes that are used for gift packaging mainly. It is also used for the packaging of elegant gold jewelry sets, shaving sets and other expensive perfumes. The purpose of using rigid boxes for a product is to make it look very elegant and special. Thick cardboard material is used in making of rigid boxes which double layered and is non-bendable as well. There are plenty of styles that are made for rigid boxes that include snap shut style, two piece style for shirts packaging, book style boxes and shoulder style boxes for expensive watches and wallets packaging.

Rigid boxes are considered as most sturdy type of custom boxes because all other types are made with thin board. Having said that, the process of rigid box is quite different and they are expensive as well. So if you are thinking of getting rigid boxes for your product packaging, then you must consider these factors.

Buxboard material

Buxboard material is just like the cardboard boxes but there is an added layer which makes it more durable and high strength. It is mainly used for packaging of items like shoes, crockery and fragile items. Gift items that are sensitive and have risk of getting damaged can be packed inside buxboard boxes. The difference between this and corrugated boxes is that it can be printed in four colors and are available in smaller sizes as well. This makes the boxes usable for cosmetics, electronics, and gifts and for retail packaging. On the other hand, the corrugated boxes are made in larger sizes and do not produce very good printing results. Hence the strength of buxboard material lies between the cardboard and corrugated material which has its own identity and purpose of usage.

All the materials discussed above are totally different from the Kraft in feel and paper weight. But one thing that is only found in Kraft material is the eco-friendly nature and that is very important. Industries are following the modern packaging standards which urge them to use Kraft material to stand out. Especially the food and beverage industry has to be very picky with their selection of packaging material because the food directly touches the packaging. Also, the cosmetic boxes are now made from Kraft material because of its recyclable nature that helps in reducing the problem of land waste in the country. Hence, a number of factors make Kraft a better choice for material rather than others.

( Made with Carrd )